Microsoft Cognitive services is set of cloud based intelligence APIs for building richer and smarter application development. Cognitive API will use for Search meta data from Photos and video and emotions, sentiment analysis and authenticating speakers via voice verification.

Cognitive Computer Vision API: Intelligent Image Object Detection Bot

The Computer Vision API will help developers to identify the objects with access to advanced algorithms for processing images and returning image meta data information. In this article, you will learn about Computer Vision API and how to implement Compute Vision API into Bot application.

You can follow below steps for implement object detection in Bot Application 

Computer Vision API Key Creation

Computer Vision ApI returns information about visual content found in an image. You can follow below steps for create Vision API key.

Navigate to

Cognitive Computer Vision API: Intelligent Image Object Detection Bot

Click on “Get API Key “or Login with Azure login.

Login with Microsoft Account and Get API key

Cognitive Computer Vision API: Intelligent Image Object Detection Bot

Copy API key and store securely, we will use this API key into our application

Step 2: Create New Bot Application

Let's create a new bot application using Visual Studio 2017. Open Visual Studio > Select File > Create New Project (Ctrl + Shift +N) > Select Bot application.

Cognitive Computer Vision API: Intelligent Image Object Detection Bot

The Bot application template gets created with all the components and all required NuGet references installed in the solutions.

Cognitive Computer Vision API: Intelligent Image Object Detection Bot

In this solution, we are going edit Messagecontroller and add Service class.

Install Microsoft.ProjectOxford.Vision Nuget Package

The Microsoft project oxford vision nuget package will help for access cognitive service so Install “Microsoft.ProjectOxford.Vision” Library from the solution

Cognitive Computer Vision API: Intelligent Image Object Detection Bot

Create Vision Service: Create new helper class to the project called VisionService that wraps around the functionality from the VisionServiceClient from Cognitive Services and only returns what we currently need.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Web;
using Microsoft.ProjectOxford.Vision;
using Microsoft.ProjectOxford.Vision.Contract;
namespace BotObjectDetection.Service
public class VisionService : ICaptionService
/// <summary>
/// Microsoft Computer Vision API key.
/// </summary>
private static readonly string ApiKey = "<API Key>";
/// <summary>
/// The set of visual features we want from the Vision API.
/// </summary>

private static readonly VisualFeature[] VisualFeatures = { VisualFeature.Description };

public async Task<string> GetCaptionAsync(string url)
var client = new VisionServiceClient(ApiKey);
var result = await client.AnalyzeImageAsync(url, VisualFeatures);
return ProcessAnalysisResult(result);
public async Task<string> GetCaptionAsync(Stream stream)
var client = new VisionServiceClient(ApiKey);
var result = await client.AnalyzeImageAsync(stream, VisualFeatures);
return ProcessAnalysisResult(result);
/// <summary>
/// Processes the analysis result.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="result">The result.</param>
/// <returns>The caption if found, error message otherwise.</returns>

private static string ProcessAnalysisResult(AnalysisResult result)
string message = result?.Description?.Captions.FirstOrDefault()?.Text;
return string.IsNullOrEmpty(message) ?
"Couldn't find a caption for this one" :
"I think it's " + message;

In the above helper class, replace vision API key and call the Analyze image client method for identify image meta data

Messages Controller

MessagesController is created by default and it is the main entry point of the application. it will call our helper service class which will handle the interaction with the Microsoft APIs. You can update “Post” method like below

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Web.Http;
using BotObjectDetection.Service;
using Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Dialogs;
using Microsoft.Bot.Connector;

namespace BotObjectDetection
public class MessagesController : ApiController
private readonly ICaptionService captionService = new VisionService();
/// <summary>
/// POST: api/Messages
/// Receive a message from a user and reply to it
/// </summary>

public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Post([FromBody]Activity activity)
if (activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)
//await Conversation.SendAsync(activity, () => new Dialogs.RootDialog());
var connector = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(activity.ServiceUrl));
string message;
message = await this.GetCaptionAsync(activity, connector);
catch (Exception)
message = "I am object Detection Bot , You can Upload or share Image Url ";
Activity reply = activity.CreateReply(message);
await connector.Conversations.ReplyToActivityAsync(reply);
var response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
return response;

private Activity HandleSystemMessage(Activity message)
if (message.Type == ActivityTypes.DeleteUserData)
// Implement user deletion here
// If we handle user deletion, return a real message
else if (message.Type == ActivityTypes.ConversationUpdate)
// Handle conversation state changes, like members being added and removed
// Use Activity.MembersAdded and Activity.MembersRemoved and Activity.Action for info
// Not available in all channels
else if (message.Type == ActivityTypes.ContactRelationUpdate)
// Handle add/remove from contact lists
// Activity.From + Activity.Action represent what happened
else if (message.Type == ActivityTypes.Typing)
// Handle knowing tha the user is typing
else if (message.Type == ActivityTypes.Ping)
return null;
private async Task<string> GetCaptionAsync(Activity activity, ConnectorClient connector)
var imageAttachment = activity.Attachments?.FirstOrDefault(a => a.ContentType.Contains("image"));
if (imageAttachment != null)
using (var stream = await GetImageStream(connector, imageAttachment))
return await this.captionService.GetCaptionAsync(stream);
string url;
if (TryParseAnchorTag(activity.Text, out url))
return await this.captionService.GetCaptionAsync(url);
if (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(activity.Text, UriKind.Absolute))
return await this.captionService.GetCaptionAsync(activity.Text);
// If we reach here then the activity is neither an image attachment nor an image URL.
throw new ArgumentException("The activity doesn't contain a valid image attachment or an image URL.");

private static async Task<Stream> GetImageStream(ConnectorClient connector, Attachment imageAttachment)
using (var httpClient = new HttpClient())
var uri = new Uri(imageAttachment.ContentUrl);
return await httpClient.GetStreamAsync(uri);

private static bool TryParseAnchorTag(string text, out string url)
var regex = new Regex("^<a href=\"(?<href>[^\"]*)\">[^<]*</a>$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
url = regex.Matches(text).OfType<Match>().Select(m => m.Groups["href"].Value).FirstOrDefault();
return url != null;

Run Bot Application 

The emulator is a desktop application that lets us test and debug our bot on localhost. Now, you can click on "Run the application" in Visual studio and execute in the browser

Cognitive Computer Vision API: Intelligent Image Object Detection Bot

Test Application on Bot Emulator

You can follow the below steps to test your bot application.

Open Bot Emulator.

Copy the above localhost url and paste it in emulator e.g. - http://localHost:3979

You can append the /api/messages in the above url; e.g. - http://localHost:3979/api/messages.

You won't need to specify Microsoft App ID and Microsoft App Password for localhost testing, so click on "Connect".

Cognitive Computer Vision API: Intelligent Image Object Detection Bot

Related Article: I have explained about Bot framework Installation, deployment and implementation in the below article


In this article, you learned how to create an Intelligent Image Object Detection Bot using Microsoft Cognitive Computer Vision API. If you have any questions/feedback/ issues, please write in the comment box.
The Bot Application runs in  an application, like Skype, web chat, Facebook, Message, etc. Users can interact with bots by sending them messages, commands, and inline requests. You control your bots using HTTPS requests to the bot API.

The better visibility, the higher will be the chance of customers making a purchase. Unlike other bots which are available on business web pages which provide visibility only to the customers visiting their site, a Facebook bot is very easy to find. It is visible to around 1.3 billion users of Facebook. A Facebook bot interacts very well with customers. It can receive and send messages, images and provide clickable buttons like Buy Now. In this article, I am going to show how we can connect Facebook Messenger's channel and integrate Bot Application to the Messenger app.

In this Article, I am going to show how we can connect Facebook messengers’ channel and integrate Bot Application to the messengers App.

Create FAQ Bot Application

You can refer my previews article to create and build a Xamarin FAQ Bot using the Azure Bot Service and deploy it into Azure. I am not using any coding for developing the Bot Application, you can follow the steps provided in the article to create and deploy FAQ Bot.

Setup Facebook Page

We can implement Bot Application to the Facebook page. You can create Facebook page or select existing page and navigate to “About page” for fining and copy the Page ID.

Login to Facebook APP

Create a new Facebook App ( on the Page and generate an App ID , App Secret and Page Access Token for integrating Bot to the page messenger. You can click on “Skip and Create APP Id” from following screen.

Create New App ID

Provide display Name and Contact Email for integrating Bot application and Click on Create.

After Create button, it will navigate to the App dashboard screen. The side navigation menu having Settings > Basic and copy the APPID and APP Secret. Provide the Privacy URL, Terms of Service URL, App icon and Select Category.

I have shown the following screen to Select Setting > Advanced and Set the "Allow API Access to App Settings slider to "Yes" and click on Save Changes.

Setup Message

Select Dashboard and Click on Setup button from messenger group

Create Page Access Token

Select Setting from the messenger side navigation menu to generate token, you can select the Page and generate access token and copy the page access token.

Setup Webhooks

Click Set up Webhooks to forward messaging events from Facebook Messenger to the bot.

Provide following callback URL and Verify token to the webhooks setup page and select the message, message_postbacks, messaging_optins and message_deliveries subscription fields. The following Steps 2, will show how to generate Callback URL and verify token from Azure portal.

You can click on “Verify and Save “and select the Facebook page to Subscribe the webhook to the Facebook page.

Connect Facebook Channel

Step 1: Login to Azure portal > Select the “All Resources” > Select Channels > Select Facebook Messengers, let we start configure “Facebook Messengers “Channel and follow below steps, the end of this article you can able to deploy Bot into the Facebook messenger

Step 2:The Azure Facebook configuration channel will generate following Callback URL and verify token, You can copy those information and Past to the Facebook webhook setup screen. (Return to the Facebook messenger setup screen).

Step 3: You can paste the Facebook App ID, Facebook App Secret, Page ID,and Page Access Token values copied from Facebook Messenger previously. You can use the same bot on multiple facebook pages by adding additional page ids and access tokens.

Submit to Facebook Review

Select App preview and Click and Submit for review after submit will take some time for the facebook team testing to the messenger bot and you can mark your app live available to the public , then you can test messenger from the Facebook page .

Facebook Team reviews and Testing

You can verify Facebook team testing progress, navigate to your Facebook page and Click on Inbox and verify, if anything problem to the messenger bot, the Team will update the bug list from App review screen.

Xamarin FAQ Messengers testing

You can select your Facebook page and test your bot application. I have trained 7000+ more questions to the Facebook messenger bot from Xamarin Q & A Page, If you want to look the xamarin FAQ demo. Navigate to Xamarin Q & A Facebook page and ask your xamairn related question.


In this article, you have learned how to integrate bot application right into your Facebook Page via Azure Microsoft AI. If you have any questions/feedback/issues, please write in the comment box.

The Bot Framework Composer is a fantastic tool for creating/developing Microsoft bots, as it gives you the ability to sketch out and compose the whole simple and complex Bot applications within a visual interface instead of writing actual code. Composer to create the bot solution’s code and run it immediately to test it in the emulator and deploy it to Azure using the CLI. Bot developers should check out the Composer awesome tool, as this will make your Bot development even easier in terms of building smart and engaging bots with ease.

A conversation between a bot and a user often involves asking the user, for information and parsing the user's response. Bot should track the context of a conversation, so that it can manage the behavior and remember answers to previous questions. Bot Framework composer has provided different question format, in this article we are going to see how we can use the Text, Number and Datetime input from users and How we can retrieve state information from Bot state.


  • Read my previous article to build and setup the bot framework Composer development environment.
  • Read, How to create Multiple Dynamic Greeting message using Bot Framework ComposerCreate New Bot Application
On the Bot Framework Composer homepage, click on New. Select Create from scratch. Click on Next. Give your bot a name. Once created, you should be able to see the following screen

Asking Questions to user

Bot Framework Composer makes it easier to collect information to the user and composer provided feature for validation and a variety of data types as follows
  1. Text Input
  2. Number Input
  3. Confirmation
  4. Multiple Choice
  5. File or attachment
  6. Date or time
  7. OAuth Login

In this article, You are going to learn more about Text, Number and Date/Time Input format and how bot can ask questions to the users. 

Composer Input Control Property – Bot Ask

  • Ask question Input dialog has 3 category options - Bot Asks, User Input and other.
  • Prompt Property -Create your custom message for Bot will send a message to the user .
  • Max turn Count – Maximum number of re- prompt attempts to collect information from user
  • Default Value - Expression to examine on each turn of the conversation as possible value to the property.
  • Allow interruptions - A boolean expression that determines whether the parent should be allowed to interrupt the input.

User Input

User Input tab options have “Property to Fill”. It’s a Property to store collected information. Input will be skipped if the property has value (unless 'Always prompt' is true). Example(, property can access anywhere you want to display or store. While displaying you need to use @{} format.

Bot Text Input Question

The Greeting conversation activity screen, you can click on the “+” button and select the Ask question options and click on Text input .

Step 1: Add “Bot Asks” prompt of text in the text box, which you Bot required to ask questions to the user and the type of value will allow only as text .

Step 2: If you want to save user input and display somewhere else or store into the database, you can select “user Input” section and add the variable property as -

Bot Number Input Format

Bot can ask users to enter any number value using number input. To prompt a user for a number, click the + button in your screen, mouse over Ask a Question and Select the Number input.
In this following example 
  • Bot asking users to enter the no of years’ experience and provided max turn count as 1 and provided default value as 2.
  • Suppose users enter any text or any invalid character at one time, Bot will take as default value as 2.
  • In user Input options Bot will save the value “user.exp” property, it will be helpful for retrive somewhere else.

Bot Date Time Input Format

Bot Date Time Input format control which is returned as a Timex.
  • You can add the “Bot Ask” question to the Prompt text box
  • Create Property for store the datetime value, here property as “”.
  • after asking for a date, the bot returns a Timex into “” like below

"value": "2020-02-01",

"timex": "2020-02-01"


Because it's a json array with one item. So you can access the components like[0].timex (or)[0].value

Confirmation Message

We have asked 3 different questions to the user; now let us show confirmation message to the user with whichever user responded to the bot. You can compose messages like below 

Hello @{} , You have @{user.exp} years’ experience and please join our company on @{[0].value}

Test Bot Application

Next, click on “Test in Emulator” after that browser will ask you permission to open the bot emulator, once you confirmed the message, Bot emulator will open and automatically navigate to your Bot service. You can start responding to the message to the bot.


You have successfully created and run the “Ask Question bot” using Bot framework composer. I hope you have enjoyed learning. If you have any questions/feedback/issues, please write them in the comment box.
The Bot Application runs inside an application in different channel like Cortana, Skype, web chat, Facebook, Message, etc. Users can interact with bots by sending them messages, commands, and inline requests. Microsoft has announced Line App new channel added into the Azure portal.

LINE is a new communication app which allows you to make FREE voice calls and send FREE messages whenever and wherever you are. Line is available in different device iPhone, Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry, and Nokia and even your PC and LINE is a popular messaging app with hundreds of millions of users in India, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia, and other countries. You can follow the below steps for Create FAQ Bot and enable your bot in the Line new channel.

Create FAQ Bot Application

You can refer to my previews article to create and build a Xamarin FAQ Bot using Azure Bot Service and deploy it into Azure. I am not using any coding for developing the Bot Application, you can follow the provided steps in the article to create and deploy FAQ Bot.

Microsoft Bot Application deploy to Line App using Azure Bot

Line Developer Portal 

We can implement a Bot Application to the Line apps. You can create a Line developer account or select an existing provider name. Create a new Line Developer App on the Page and generate an Channel Secret and Channel access token for integrating the Bot to the Line ap. You can start login or create account in the following screen.
Microsoft Bot Application deploy to Line App using Azure Bot

Create Provider

After login, start creating a provider name for your bot or if you already have the provider, select the provider name and do the setup. The provider name is individual owner or company, it’s not app name. Next Click on confirm, if you want change in the future, edit options always enable. Microsoft Bot Application deploy to Line App using Azure Bot

Line Messaging API channel 

Create a new Line App on the developer portal and generate a Channel Secret and Channel access token integrating the Bot to the page messenger. You can click on “Message API Create Channel” from the following screen.
Microsoft Bot Application deploy to Line App using Azure Bot

Create New Channel 

The following creates new channel screen provide valid your app icon.
Microsoft Bot Application deploy to Line App using Azure Bot
You can Fill out the required fields and confirm your channel settings. You can find the two developer options is available.

Developer trial - A trial plan which lets you create a bot that can send push messages and have up to 50 friends.

Free - A plan which lets you create a bot with an unlimited number of friends.The Push message cannot be sent with this plan.

Microsoft Bot Application deploy to Line App using Azure Bot

Once you've confirmed your channel settings, you'll be navigating to a following screen, which list all the apps.

Microsoft Bot Application deploy to Line App using Azure BotClick on the channel you created to access your channel settings, and scroll down to find the Basic information > Channel secret.

You can Save following somewhere for a moment for update in to Azure portal.

Channel Secret – Copy the secret code, if not available, click on Issue

Channel access Token - Scroll further to Messaging settings. There, you will see a Channel access token field, with a click on issue button forget your access token. 

Webhook URL - Webhook URL copy from Azure Portal and Update in the Line app developer portal

Microsoft Bot Application deploy to Line App using Azure Bot

Connect New LINE Channel 

Login to Azure portal > Select the “All Resources” > Select your Bot Application > Select Channels property > Find and Select New Line icon. Let us start to configure the “Line “Channel and follow the below steps, at the end of this article you will be able to deploy the Bot into the Line apps.

Microsoft Bot Application deploy to Line App using Azure Bot

The Azure Line configuration channel will generate the following Webhook URL and past/update the channel secret and access token and click Save button. You can copy following custom webhook URL and Return to the Line Developer portal and update the webhook URL

Microsoft Bot Application deploy to Line App using Azure Bot

Test Your Bot 

Once you have completed all the above steps, your bot will be successfully configured to communicate with users on LINE and is ready to test.

LINE developer console - Navigate to the settings page and you will see, a QR code of your bot.

Mobile LINE app - go to the right most navigation tab with three dots [...] and tap on the QR code icon.

Microsoft Bot Application deploy to Line App using Azure Bot

Live Demo 

Xamarin Developer Interview questions and answers Bot is ready to use in Line app. Xamarin FAQ Bot will be ready with 7000+ more Xamarin QnA’s. Now you can start open your Line App and > click on three dot line > Scan the following QR Code to add Xamarin QA bot as a friend. 

Microsoft Bot Application deploy to Line App using Azure Bot


In this article, you have learned how to integrate a bot application into Line App via Azure Microsoft AI. In case your bot is not responding to any of your messages at all, navigate to your bot in Azure portal, and choose Test in Web Chat. If you have any questions/ feedback/ issues, please write in the comment box.

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